1. Peng Sun, Rui Lin, Zilong Wang, Meijia Qiu, Zhisheng Chai, Bodong Zhang, Hui Meng, Shaozao Tan, Chuanxi Zhao, Wenjie Mai, Rational design of carbon shell endows TiN@ C nanotube based fiber supercapacitors with significantly enhanced mechanical stability and electrochemical performance, Nano Energy 31, 432(2017)
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5. Z Chai, N Zhang, P Sun, Y Huang, C. X. Zhao, HJ Fan, X Fan, W Mai, Tailorable and Wearable Textile Devices for Solar Energy Harvesting and Simultaneous Storage, ACS Nano 10, 9201(2016)
6. Z. Liang, P.Y. Zeng, P. Y. Liu, W. G. Xie, C. X. Zhao*, W. J. Mai. Interface Engineering To Boost Photoresponse Performance of Self-Powered, Broad-Bandwidth PEDOT: PSS/Si Heterojunction Photodetector, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8, 19158(2016)
7. C. X. Zhao*, Z. M. Liang, M. Z. Su, P. Y. Mai, W. G. Xie, Self-powered, high-speed and visible-near infrared response of MoO3-x/n-Si heterojunction photodetector with enhanced performance by interfacial engineering, ACS applied materials & interfaces 7, 25981 (2015)
8. K.H. Ye; Z. S. Chai; J. Gu; X. Yu;C. X. Zhao; Y. Zhang; W. J. Mai, BiOI-BiVO4 photoanodes with significantly improved solar water splitting capability: pn junction to expand solar adsorption range and facilitate charge carrier dynamics, Nano Energy. 18, 222(2015)
9. C. X. Zhao, S. Z. Deng, N. S. Xu and Jun Chen, Correlation between surface chemistry, gasochromism and field emission properties of tungsten oxide nanowire thin films when exposed to atomic oxygen, RSC Advances, 5, 70059-70063(2015)
10. J. P. Tian, C. X. Zhao, M. X. Wu, W. G. Xie, W. J. Mai, P. Y. Liu Thickness-dependence of S-shaped J–V curves of planar heterojunction organic solar cells containing NTCDA interlayer: Impedance–potential measurement and underlying mechanism, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 148, 3943(2015).
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12. C. X. Zhao, Yan Shen, S. Z. Deng, N. S. Xu, Jun Chen, Molybdenum Nanowall Cold Cathode With High Resistance to Oxidizing Environment, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 61, 1760(2014)
13. C. X. Zhao, Y. F. Li, Y. C. Chen, J. Q. Wu, B. Wang, F. T. Yi, S. Z. Deng, N. S. Xu, and Jun Chen, Microstructure change of ZnO nanowire induced by energetic X-ray radiation and its effect on the field emission properties, Nanotechnology 24, 275703 (2013)
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