工作地点: 暨南大学蒙民伟理工楼713B室
研究方向:1. 计算机物理模拟:大气扩散模拟、分子动力学模拟、低维材料热输运和粒子输运等。 2. 核技术应用:核电站环境分析、核事故应急预案和事故预测模型、核辐照技术等。
1. 2003/4–2007/3,香港大学,物理学,博士
2. 1991/9–1994/7,西安交通大学,物理电子学,硕士
3. 1987/9–1991/7,西安交通大学,物理电子技术,学士
1.D.Q. Zheng, J.K.C. Leung*, B.Y. Leeb, H.Y. Lam, Data assimilation in the atmospheric dispersion model for nuclear accident assessments. Atmospheric Environment, 41, 2438 (2007).
2.D.Q. Zheng*, J.K.C. Leung, B.Y. Lee, Online update of model state and parameters of a Monte Carlo atmospheric dispersion model by using ensemble Kalman filter. Atmospheric Environment, 43(2009) 2005.
3.D.Q. Zheng*, J.K.C. Leung*, B.Y. Lee, An ensemble Kalman filter for atmospheric data assimilation: Application to wind tunnel data
4. Dong-Qin Zheng and Wei-Rong Zhong*, Efficiency optimization of the classical molecular heat pump. EPL, 95, 20005 (2011)
5.Wei-Rong Zhong, Mao-Ping Zhang, Bao-Quan Ai, and Dong-Qin Zheng,Chirality and thickness-dependent thermal conductivity of few-layer graphene: A molecular dynamics study. Applied Physics Letters, 98, 113107 (2011).
6.Wei-Rong Zhong, Mao-Ping Zhang, Dong-Qin Zheng, and Bao-Quan Ai, Thermal conductivity of deformed carbon nanotubes. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 109, 074317 (2011).
7. Wei-Rong Zhong, Dong-Qin Zheng and Bambi Hu, Thermal control in graphene nanoribbons: thermal valve, thermal switch and thermal amplifier. Nanoscale, 4, 5217 (2012).
8. Wei-Rong Zhong, Zhi-Cheng Xu, Dong-Qin Zheng, and Bao-Quan Ai, Thermal conductivity of graphene nanoribbons in noble gaseous environments, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 104, 081914 (2014).
9. Zhi-cheng Xu, Dong-qin Zheng, Bao-quan Ai, and Wei-rong Zhong, Autonomous pump against concentration gradient. Scientific Reports 6, 23414 (2016)
10. Jian Li, Dong-Qin Zheng*, Wei-Rong Zhong, Depressing thermal conductivity of fullerene by caging rare gas. Physica A, 441, 230–236 (2016)
11. Jian Li, Dong-qin Zheng* and Wei-rong Zhong, Thermal transport in one-dimensional superlattice and quasicrystal chains: Fullerene phononic crystal, EPL, 112, 24006 (2015).
12. Jia-le Wen, Dong-qin Zheng* and Wei-rong Zhong*, Shape-dependent collective diffusion coefficient of multi-layers graphene nanopores, RSC Adv., 5, 99573 (2015).
13. Jian Li, Dong-Qin Zheng* and Wei-Rong Zhong, Thermal properties of defective fullerene. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 30, 1650194 (2016).
14. Dongqin Zheng, Jianhui He, Jiamei Feng, Jiale Wen and Weirong Zhong*, An electrostatic nanosecond switch in a nanoscale water channel, RSC Advances, 7, 17720 – 17723(2017).
15. 孟祥宏, 陈仰纯, 郑冬琴*, 基于体模和反卷积算法的PET 呼吸运动模糊校正. 中国生物医学工程学, Vol 32, No. 6, 655 (2013).
16. 温家乐,徐志成,古宇,郑冬琴*,钟伟荣*, 异质结碳纳米管的热整流效率, 物理学报, Vol. 64, No. 21, 216501 (2015).