







    201009-201407 暨南大学物理学系本科

    201409-201707 暨南大学物理学系硕士

    201709-202006 中山大学高分子材料科学系博士

    202007-202206 暨南大学物理学系 博士后

    202207-至今 暨南大学物理学系 副教授


    硕士生导师(每年有1名学硕名额,欢迎咨询报考)“博新计划”入选者(全国每年400人),获第十五届世界电子电路大会最佳论文银奖(独立作者,每3年一次)、广东省自然科学奖二等奖1项(排名第6)。5年来聚焦水系锌离子电池界面调控机理、储能器件状态和机理原位监测分析光学系统开发等相关研究领域。共发表SCI论文40余篇,5篇ESI高被引论文,总被引近3700次h指数27,其中第一/通讯作者20余篇,包括 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.(2篇)、Light Sci. Appl. (1篇),Adv. Energy Mater. (1篇)、Adv. Funct. Mater. (1篇)、ACS Nano(1篇)、Nano Energy(3篇)以及Chem. Sci.(1篇)等,入选Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Light Sci. Appl., Nano Energy等期刊封面论文4篇。开发的原位光纤探针监测储能器件技术曾被欧盟能源战略发展规划《BATTERY 2030+》评价为“最有可能在电池层面取得成功的技术”,同时被国家基金委、美国科学促进会、Nature Photonics等重点报道。担任Small, Adv. Sci., Mater. Energy Today等多个杂志的审稿人。


    本科生课程:《纳米材料与纳米结构》,《传感技术实验》,《大学物理实验》,《物性与结构》,《走  进物理世界》







    (1) Sun, P.; Ma, L.; Zhou, W. H.; Qiu, M. J.; Wang, Z. L.; Chao, D. L.*; Mai, W. J.*, Simultaneous Regulation on Solvation Shell and Electrode Interface for Dendrite‐Free Zn Ion Batteries Achieved by a Low‐Cost Glucose Additive. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021,133, 18395-18403. (ESI高被引)

    (2) Sun, P.; Ji, Z.; Qiu, M.; Liu, Y.; Han, K.; Chen, N.; Wang, Z. L.*; Mai, W.*, Unlocking ion Storage Chemistry in Aqueous Batteries via Operando Smartphone Multispectral Techniques. Adv. Energy Mater. 2023,13 (48), 2302846

    (3) Qiu M.#, Sun P.#, Wang Y., Ma L., Zhi C.*, Mai W.*, Anion‐trap Engineering toward Remarkable Crystallographic Reorientation and Efficient Cation Migration of Zn Ion Batteries. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022 134, e202214654. (ESI高被引,封面故事)

    (4) Lao, J. J.#; Sun, P.#; Liu, F.; Zhang, X. J.; Zhao, C. X.; Mai, W. J.*; Guo, T.*; Xiao, G. Z.; Albert, J. In situ plasmonic optical fiber detection of the state of charge of supercapacitors for renewable energy storage. Light Sci. Appl. 2018,7, 34. (封面故事,国家基金委主页宣传,Nature Photonics主编聚焦评论)

    (5) Liang, Y#.; Qiu, M.#; Sun, P.*; Mai, W.*, Janus interface enables reversible Zn-ion battery by regulating interfacial water structure and crystal-orientation. Chem. Sci. 2024,15 (4), 1488-1497.

    (6) Chen, N.; Qiu, M.; Zhao, C.; Yan, G.; Mai, W.*; Sun, P.*, Monitoring the Zn ion storage of Prussian blue analog via in situ spectral imaging strategy. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2023,122 (26), 263905

    (7) Liang, Y.; Qiu, M.; Sun, P.*; Mai, W.*, Comprehensive Review of Electrolyte Modification Strategies for Stabilizing Zn Metal Anodes. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023,33, 2304878.

    (8) Qiu, M. J.; Sun, P.; Han, K.; Pang, Z. J.; Du, J.; Li, J. L.; Chen, J.; Wang, Z. L.*; Mai, W. J.*, Tailoring water structure with high-tetrahedral-entropy for antifreezing electrolytes and energy storage at −80°C. Nat. Commun. 2023,14 (1), 601. (ESI高被引)

    (9) Sun, P.; Lin, R.; Wang, Z. L.; Qiu, M. J.; Chai, Z. S.; Zhang, B. D.; Meng, H.; Tan, S. Z.; Zhao, C. X.*; Mai, W. J.* Rational design of carbon shell endows TiN@C nanotube based fiber supercapacitors with significantly enhanced mechanical stability and electrochemical performance. Nano Energy 2017,31, 432-440. (封面故事)

    (10) Qiu, M.#; Sun, P.#; Cui, G. F.*; Tong, Y. X.*; Mai, W. J.* A Flexible Microsupercapacitor with Integral Photocatalytic Fuel Cell for Self-Charging. ACS Nano 2019,13, 8246-8255.

    (11) Sun, P.#; Qiu, M. J.#; Li, M. Y.; Mai, W. J.*; Cui, G. F.*; Tong, Y. X.* Stretchable Ni@NiCoP textile for wearable energy storage clothes. Nano Energy 2019,55, 506-515. (封面故事)

    (12) Sun, P.#; Liu, Y. J.#; Qiu, M. J.#; Tong, Y. X.*; Mai, W. J.* In Situ Monitoring Small Energy Storage Change of Electrochromic Supercapacitors via Perovskite Photodetectors. Small Methods 2019, 1900731.

    (13) Sun, P.#; Qiu, M. J.#; Mai, W. J.* NiCoB based in-plane energy storage textile with enhanced mechanical performance. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2022, 120, 223901. (Editor's pick)




    1. 国自然青年基金“阴离子阱”添加剂构造限域化配位环境实现高稳定锌负极的界面调控机制,2023-01至 2025-12,22209058,在研

    2. 2020年度博士后创新人才支持计划光学分析技术原位监测储能器件的健康状态及内在运作机制,2020-10至2022-10,BX20200150,结题


    1. 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金-区域联合基金项目(青年基金项目)光谱成像技术原位分析水系储能器件健康状态及储能工作机制,2020-10至2023-10,2020A1515110387,在研

    2. 中国博士后科学基金第68批面上资助 光谱成像技术原位分析锌基电池荷电状态及储能工作机制,省部级,2020-12至2022-12,2020M683171,结题 

    3. 广东省自然科学基金 面上项目,极性添加剂构筑高性能锌离子电池的界面离子热/动力学机理,2023-01至2025-12,2023A1515011994,在研